Thursday, January 30, 2020

Identifying Local Opportunities

1) Hardball: Rays threaten to block redevelopment of Tropicana Field
The city of St. Petersburg and the Tampa Bay Rays have been at a standstill ever since the team owner suggested splitting the season between St. Pete and Montreal. Understandably so, this was to the dismay of city officials and thus they have begun plans to develop on the 86-acre property that now serves as home to the Rays. The organization has responded with threats to block any redevelopment opportunity and thus the presents a problem for both sides. The Rays are trying to find a way to make the team more profitable while the City hopes to better utilize one of it's most important pieces of land.
2) Florida school group possibly exposed to virus confined to home
A group of students and teachers are being confined to their homes as they wait for word of whether or not they were exposed to the coronavirus while attending a conference at Yale University. When a student from China fell ill with a fever and cough, testing indicated it was the flu but the CDC advised further testing. The problem is clear if indeed the tests show the coronavirus for all parties who were involved with this event.
3) Rick Scott destroyed evidence after Irma, say two healthcare workers charged in deaths.
Two healthcare workers who were charged in deaths following Hurricane Irma are now claiming former Governor Rick Scott destroyed voicemails that would have helped their defense. The problem here is something that resulted in several deaths and the lives of two men are at stake as well as potentially if not more than the reputation of a former Governor.
4) For family of teen shot at Tampa cop's home, anger and unanswered questions
After their son was shot and killed by a nearby resident, the parents refuse to believe it was a mere accident. The boy who was holding the weapon when it discharged has yet to speak on what happened and thus the parents are not ready to give up on the case. Whether it was an accident or not is obviously a large difference given the possibility their son was murdered.
5) He was walking down Central Avenue in St. Pete. Then a man randomly slashed his face.
A man was casually walking down one of the busier streets in St. Pete when he thought he was punched in the face. 19 stitches later he realized he had been stabbed in the face as a man stood over him demanding his wallet. It appears his attacker suffered from mental illness after police were able to track him down and arrest him while Lowrance must now deal with a new scar on his face.

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