Who: After conducting several interviews, there could be some people who would be considered "outside the boundary". Although they still share a lot in common with those included in my opportunity of traffic, those who are commuting in smaller cities with less congestion or not during rush hour in larger cities could be considered outside the typical target of my solution.
What: The question of whether my need differs from another need is rather complicated considering the fact there are countless things that cause the problem of traffic. Thus, there are complications such as certain businesses that influence traffic, on top of unforeseen issues such as accidents or flat tires that further complicate this issue and could be seen as an entirely different need.
Why: The underlying need of those inside as opposed to outside the boundary remains consistent in my mind. And that is the fact they are trying to get from one place to another in the most efficient manner. Whether there issue is simply traffic or something like a flat tire, their reasoning is the same.
Inside the Boundary Outside the Boundary
Who is in? Everybody who falls in the category Who is out? Those who do not
of struggling with traffic which is generally those struggle with traffic due to living
living in larger cities commuting in rush hour. in a smaller city or commuting at
certain times or have more distinct needs than simply just traffic.
What the need is? The need is simple and it is What the need is not? The need is not
that traffic is a major problem that is relevant for those with more specific needs
to almost anybody in a major city. such as crashes or outside issues.
Why the need exists? The issue of traffic may Alternative explanations: The affects
never be explained entirely whether it's accidents, businesses and other unrelated factors
people driving in the wrong lane or just congestion. can disrupt the flow of traffic.